Every product that we use daily has been manufactured in some way, but how many of us usually consider that what environmental factors were harmed during its formation. If you are ethical enough to only use such products which do not harm the environment at all then use
Eco Rug Collection. As all electronic components in the market have an RoHS version available, or lets say GO GREEN version available similarly
Eco Rugs are
Rugsale.com's GO GREEN Collection. Eco Rugs have the following properties:
1- As mostly during the formation of rugs dangerous chemicals are used to color it and for other purposes. But eco friendly rugs don't use any dangerous chemicals.
2- They are made from renewable materials which can be recycled.
3- They have low ecological footprint.
Now at Rugsale.com you can find eco rugs with up to 15% OFF. So what are you waiting for just log on to
Rugsale.com and experience our exotic
Eco Rugs Collection.
Serving Not Just You - But the Environment Too